Estilo Insights

Get You Strategy Right

If the word Strategy had a patent, it would have made billions.  It is often used by executives to describe their relative actions to achieve success. It is sometimes not sustainable and sometimes not given enough thought.  Many hotels try and build strategic business plans every year and repeat that process every year. Some plans are theoretical and some lack depth. The Estilo Hospitality model of strategic planning revolves around ‘Building Core Competencies’ and is a 5-step strategic planning process that will help your hotel business become highly focused, strategic, and sustainable and will help achieve above average returns and a stronger competitive advantage


Go Beyond Benchmark

The currently available benchmarks in the marketplace are a great way to measure performances across various indicators and also to discover opportunities that are competitive.  If those opportunities are pursued it will always help to build a competitive advantage.

But have you ever wondered if your asset can go beyond the benchmark and create its own unique place in the market where its revenue streams are maximised and it also gives an advantage that is not easily beatable? Create your own mini-blue oceans that help you to not only stay ahead in the competitive performance but also beat your own estimated view of performance


Re-Imagined Re-Positioned

In my experience hotels that lose share over a period of time are unable to re-invent themselves.  Have you not heard from management companies that the hotel needs renovation and that is the reason it is un-competitive? Yes, we have all heard about it.  Estilo offers positioning workshops that helps owners to re-imagine their operations, services, and position in the marketplace and reverse the trend of declining shares


A Million Dollars Pitch

Is it a marketing gimmick Estilo is putting out there? The answer is very simple, ‘No’

Think of the incremental opportunities available to various hotels on a daily basis and how they are never evaluated critically.  In one such experiment, following a very comprehensive strategy build-up, a hotel added an incremental million dollars in just 3 months. That is powerful and while its sustainability may be questioned, such opportunities can be pursued in a different form every year